"When we journalists fail to get across the reality of events to our readers, we have not only failed in our job; we have also become a party to the bloody events that we are supposed to be reporting."
-- Journalist Robert Fisk, in his book The Great War for Civilisation
on self-censorship at The Times of London
on self-censorship at The Times of London
Cartoon by Khalil Bendid, a Berkeley, California-based artist, who publishes his works in numerous newspapers in the United States. He is also a sculptor, growing up in Morocco and Algeria.
Copyrights by Khalil Bendid. All rights reserved.
Copyrights by Khalil Bendid. All rights reserved.
Burrying Indonesia's Millions: The Legacy of Suharto
Suharto introduced a "business model" for soldiers and businessmen. He built ties to merchants Liem Sioe Liong and Bob Hasan, accummulating immense wealth while using violence to repress dissension.
The Presidents and the Journalists
In 1997, President Suharto lectured editors to have "self-censorship." Now President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono also lectured about "self-censorship." What's wrong?
Benedict Anderson of Cornell University wrote that Suharto was basically a gali or a thug. He initially joined Dutch Indies military, later Japan-trained collaborators and Sukarno's republican army.
Mug Jurnalisme
Pantau bikin mug kopi warna hitam dan merah. Ada ucapan Bill Kovach, "Journalism is the closest thing I have to a religion." Anda tertarik memilikinya? Atau buat hadiah?
Clean Water, Dirty Business
Why people in Bandung have to pay so much money for their clean water? How should we react to PDAM Bandung effort not to pay its mounting debt to ADB?
Kronologi Pengasuhan Norman
Norman kekurangan waktu belajar, istirahat dan bermain sejak dipindahkan ibunya dari Pondok Indah ke Bintaro. Jarak tempuh ke sekolah 120 km pergi-pulang. Ini ibu celaka! Child abuse adalah isu publik.
Quo vadis jurnalisme Islami?
Percakapan dengan seorang mahasiswa soal "jurnalisme Islami." Bagaimana beda ranah agama dan jurnalisme? Apa beda propaganda, dakwah dan jurnalisme?
Polemik Sejarah, Pers dan Indonesia
Kapan "pers Indonesia" lahir? Apa 1744 dengan Bataviasche Nouvelles? Apa 1864 dengan Bintang Timoer di Padang? Soerat Chabar Betawie pada 1858? Medan Prijaji pada 1907? Atau sesuai proklamasi Agustus 1945? Atau kedaulatan Desember 1949?
A Jakarta court sentenced several Papuans for the killing of three Freeport teachers in August 2002. Why many irregularities took place in the military investigation and the trial? What did Antonius Wamang say? How many weapons did he have? How many bullets were found in the crime site?
Protes Melawan Pembakaran Buku
Indonesia membakar ratusan ribu buku-buku pelajaran sekolah. Ini pertama kali dalam sejarah Indonesia, maupun Hindia Belanda, dimana buku sekolah disita dan dibakar.
Indonesia: A Lobbying Bonanza
Taufik Kiemas, when his wife Megawati Sukarnoputri was still president, collected political money to hire a Washington firm to lobby for Indonesian weapons. This story is a part of a project called Collateral Damage: Human Rights and US Military Aid
Sejak Juli 2003, saya berkelana dari Sabang ke Merauke, guna wawancara dan riset buku. Intinya, saya pergi ke tujuh pulau besar, dari Sumatra hingga Papua, plus puluhan pulau kecil macam Miangas, Salibabu, Ternate dan Ndana. Inilah catatan kecil perjalanan tersebut.
Hoakiao dari Jember
Ong Tjie Liang, satu travel writer kelahiran Jember, malang melintang di Asia Tenggara. Dia ada di kamp gerilya Aceh namun juga muncul di Rangoon, bertemu Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi maupun Jose Ramos-Horta.
State Intelligence Agency hired Washington firm
Indonesia's intelligence body used Abdurrahman Wahid’s charitable foundation to hire a Washington lobbying firm to press the U.S. Congress for a full resumption of military assistance to Indonesia. Press Release and Malay version
From the Thames to the Ciliwung
Giant water conglomerates, RWE Thames Water and Suez, took over Jakarta's water company in February 1998. It turns out to be the dirty business of selling clean water.
Media dan Jurnalisme
Saya suka menulis soal media dan jurnalisme. Pernah juga belajar dengan asuhan Bill Kovach dari Universitas Harvard. Ini makin sering sesudah diminta menyunting majalah Pantau.
Bagaimana Cara Belajar Menulis Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa punya punya empat komponen: kosakata, tata bahasa, bunyi dan makna. Belajar bahasa bukan sekedar teknik menterjemahkan kata dan makna. Ini juga terkait soal alih pikiran.
Saya meliput Iwan Fals sejak 1990 ketika dia meluncurkan album Swami. Waktu itu Iwan gelisah dengan rezim Soeharto. Dia membaca selebaran gelap dan buku terlarang. Dia belajar dari W.S. Rendra dan Arief Budiman. Karir Iwan naik terus. Iwan Fals jadi salah satu penyanyi terbesar yang pernah lahir di Pulau Jawa. Lalu anak sulungnya meninggal dunia. Dia terpukul. Bagaimana Iwan Fals bangkit dari kerusuhan jiwa dan menjadi saksi?
hello mas andreas, i never thought you would be that wise. gotta tell you that it turned out that i got a wrong information. someone in the mailing list where i'm also a member told that in one you or courses you "forbade" journalists to write novels because, if so, he will lead people astray.... seeing how wise you've been, by deleting the quite sarcastic opening for the first comment :D (i can read between the lines, bro!), i will surely clarify the misunderstanding.... i'll write a new post on it. okey? but sorry, i still have to tackle some urgent issues in literature, hehehe.... i'll make "that" entry soon as i have quite a spare time, okey? let us be friends, okey? i'm begging now. hehehe...
Dengan hormat,
Terima kasih untuk penjelasannya. Saya tak pernah melarang peserta kami untuk menulis fiksi. Sama sekali tak pernah. Mungkin Anda tahu Linda Christanty, Anita Kastubi dan sebagainya. Mereka menulis fiksi. Mereka pernah ikut kelas saya. Mereka tahu saya kritis terhadap fiksi namun tak melarang fiksi.
Jelasnya, saya bilang agar berhati-hati bila menulis fiksi saat ia bersisihan dengan fakta. Penulisan fiksi, yang memperkuat propaganda negara Indonesia, hanya akan membuat kebodohan di masyarakat ini makin mendalam. Indonesia, kalau dilihat dari kacamata ilmu politik, barulah soft nation alias bangsa belum matang. Ia hanya bisa dibuat matang dengan berdasarkan kebenaran dan informasi bermutu. Penulisan fiksi, yang memperkuat propaganda "Majapahit" atau informasi tak bermutu sejenisnya, akan memperluas kedangkalan pola pikir masyarakat. Ia akan jadi awal dari kekerasan antar etnik, agama dan sebagainya. Itu saja. Terima kasih.
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