Monday, February 23, 2009

My Papa Got a Stroke

Last Saturday I began my day by preparing my regular Saturday morning writing class. It was a lovely day, meeting new students and having a new atmosphere. I also introduced my new co-instructors, Anugerah Perkasa, and Fahri Salam. They are two young writers. I left the class after lunch, leaving Perkasa to have his afternoon session.

It changed drastically in the afternoon when my step mother, Winarti, made a phone call, asking me to call back. "Papa wants to talk to you," Bu Win said.

There were some nervousness in her voice. I sensed something wrong. She usually asked for her grandson, Norman, and my wife, Sapariah, to chit chat. I immediately called back to their house in Jember. Papa answered the phone directly, "Liang, Papa kenek stroke."

My father got a stroke!

He described that it happened Saturday morning when he suddenly felt a serious headache. He was immediately brought to a doctor. And it was confirmed that he got a stroke in his right brain. He cannot move his left arm, his left foot, having difficulty to speak properly.

It shocked me. I asked for more detail. Papa said he immediately also got an acupuncture treatment. It helped a lot. He refused to be treated in the hospital, insisting that it is better to be treated at home by his wife and his daughters. Three of his daughters are living in Jember.

I called my other sisters. I also did some research about stroke. But I do something unusual, I took this case to Facebook!

I wanted to chronicle this case through my Facebook --a new technology, a virtual social networking-- from which I might need it for future needs. I basically responded to all responses.

Saturday, February 21: Andreas is worried after knowing that his father got a stroke this morning in Jember. 5:53pm

Danial Indrakusuma at 5:55pm February 21
Semoga selamat. Dan mencoba pengobatan dengan metode combine food.

Sica Harum at 5:56pm February 21
mudah2an membaik, mas.

Chrestella Tan at 5:56pm February 21 via Facebook Mobile
sorry 2 hear dat..better go to Jember A.S.A.P..God bless u n ur famz,,esp.ur father..

Ayu Purwaningsih at 5:59pm February 21
aku ikut sedih, cari pengobatan terbaik mas (temanku bawa ayahnya ke mount elizabeth), mahal tapi dokternya baik, diobati sesuai keperluan agar lekas pulang, semoga cepat sembuh. Buang segera kecemasan agar lebih kuat dan lawan dengan pengobatan segera.

Sari Venus at 6:00pm February 21 via Facebook Mobile
Ayah mas pasti kuat. Dia akan bs mlewatinya dan membaik.

Andreas Harsono at 6:05pm February 21
Dan, Sica, Stella, Ayu dan Sari, terima kasih untuk semua perhatiannya. Tadi saya sempat bicara sebentar dengan Papa. Tadi malam, dia karaokean hingga larut dengan kawan-kawan, sesama orang tua. Tadi pagi merasa pusing. Ibu saya mendampingi terus, tadi periksa dokter dan disuntik. Juga sudah tusuk jarum. Besok akan cek lagi.

Laksita Wijayanti at 6:12pm February 21 via Facebook Mobile
Smoga ayahanda tercinta lekas sembuh dan membaik ya bang.

Tonya Hennessey at 6:14pm February 21
Andreas, positive thoughts to you and your dad! My father had a heart attack last spring. He is good now, but not fun at all, and hard to see one's folks growing older. Wishing the best! Take care, Tonya

Rini Pwi at 6:29pm February 21 via Facebook Mobile
adakh yg jaga,ndre? Ortu ga bole sempat jatuh...sakit ya usia ya mo nya di 'kelonin' anakny..sabar,ndre......

Chandra Prijosusilo at 6:33pm February 21
Smoga Ayahmu segera baik Andreas....

Ready Susanto at 6:51pm February 21 via Facebook Mobile
Semoga cepat pulih kesehatan ayahnya, Mas.

Irma Dana at 7:19pm February 21
mudah-mudahan tidak berat ya strokenya Mas, bisa cepat pulih lagi.

Saripudin Ha at 8:57pm February 21
mas perlu dorong semangatnya untuk sembuh. smg tak terlalu berat.
waktu ibu zahara d. noer (istri prof deliar) jalani terapi stroke, kalo ada pelatih jalan (dari RS MMC), ia mau & bs jalan tp tongkat.... tp jk tp pelatih, ia mau jalan hanya dg tongkat. "takut jatuh lagi," katanya, "saya kan sdh berumur." aku (saat itu sekpri suaminya) ga berhasil dorong semangat ibu utk pulih total.

Andreas Harsono at 9:04pm February 21
It was a mild stroke. My sisters are already at his home this evening. My father is 68 years old. He is also overweight. But it was a mild one. He needs to take a total rest. He is a social person, having many friends in his retirement, fishing, travelling, eating durian etc. I think it is time to slow down. Thank you so much for the advice. Tonight it seems things are under control.

Irma Dana at 9:07pm February 21

Rozanna Rony at 9:11pm February 21
may god protect him always....

Andreas Harsono at 9:22pm February 21
My wife, Sapariah, and our son, Norman, already talked to "Engkong," telling the grandfather to slow down. My father likes swimming --three times a week-- and doing exercise. The problem is his eating habit. He likes to eat well. He is also overweight. Our mother will be strict now in controlling his diet.

Arleta Fenty at 9:45pm February 21
hope he'll be alright soon, koh. oh ya salam kenal..

Saripudin Ha at 10:17pm February 21
senang mendengarnya mas. (qad tuwuffiya abaway).
renang, seingatku sewaktu menemani bu zahara terapi, merupakan salah satu mode terapi jg....

Sunday, February 22: Andreas checked his father's situation by telephone, talking to his mother and sisters in Jember. 6:34am

Zamira Loebis at 6:35am February 22
I will pray for the best for your father, mas Andre.

Muhammad Yamin Sh wrote at 3:44am
Mendoakan semoga ayahnya segera sembuh....tetap tegar ya bung...
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Muhammad's Wall

Owais Aslam Ali wrote at 11:43pm
Hey Andreas, I hope your father gets well soon
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Owais's Wall

Kwan Men-Yon wrote at 9:45pm
Pak Andreas yg saya kagumi,

Iya Pak, emang harus jaga makan. Papa saya juga pasien stroke, tp yg kelas berat. Kejadiannya di suatu malam Juni 2006. Stlh 6 bln papa bisa jalan lagi. Tp skrg akhirnya berjalan dgn tongkat akibat jatuh thn lalu. Bbrp bulan sblm dihajar stroke, papa yg lumayan tambun (berat sekitar 90 kg, tinggi 1,65 m) udah gejala ...
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Kwan's Wall

Lenah Susianty wrote at 5:57pm
Biar bapakmu cepat sehat ya Andreas
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Lenah's Wall

Goenawan Mohamad wrote at 5:51pm
Saya ingat ayah Andre. Mudah-mudahan keadaan membaik setiap saat.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Goenawan's Wall

Andreas Harsono at 6:37am February 22
Thanks Zamira. I feel like old, suddenly. I am his eldest child, making many phone calls to my sisters and relatives. He is basically better today but I am nervous about stonger stroke.

Zamira Loebis at 6:41am February 22
Be there for your Mother... she will need your strength more than ever. You're welcome, mas. Been there in such situation before... tough time...

Yanti Mirdayanti at 6:46am February 22
Dear Mas Andreas! I just heard this afternoon (Bonn time) about your Dad from Ayu - Radio DW. I pray for him and his recovery. Amin!

Jeff Hadler at 7:12am February 22
Andreas -- make sure he sees a good doctor. Kurangi garam, minum aspilet, gitu. Old men are stubborn. J

Mojgan Jalali at 7:13am February 22
Andreas -- my thoughts and prayers are with your dad.

Geni Achnas at 7:42am February 22
my prayers for your dear father and strength to you.

Anugerah Perkasa at 7:43am February 22
Semoga papa-mu pulih ya mas. Doa kami berdua untuk papamu.

Andreas Harsono at 8:01am February 22
He lives in a small town with a lot of relatives and friends. I hope their presence will help him dealing with the stroke easier. He is a social man, laughing, eating, smoking and meeting his friends. I hope it helps. I have never experienced anyone seriously sick, or death, in my immediate family. This is my first time.

Sylviana Pravita at 8:11am February 22 via Facebook Mobile
Dear Mas Andreas, a bunch of prayers I send to your father and your strength.

Fitri Mohan at 8:26am February 22
Mas, I feel you. Semoga Papa cepet pulih. Be strong ya Mas.

Mia Aryani Iskandar wrote at 5:36pm
Semoga papa Pak Andreas melampaui masa krisis dengan baik.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Mia's Wall

Kwan Men-Yon wrote at 2:38pm
He3. Persis papa saya juga begitu pak. Bawaannya pengen mkn enak melulu meski sakit. Gak suka yg rasanya plain kyk bubur, dan semacamnya. Org kayak papa saya dan Pak Andreas benar2 menikmati kehidupan lewat makanan. He3. Tks kembali Pak Andreas. Senang banget kalo bisa mbantu. Gbu.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Kwan's Wall

Muhammad Yamin Sh wrote at 10:35am
Syukurlah, senang mendengar keadaan ayahnya sudah membaik. Keadaanku baik2 saja. Setahun terakhir aku banyk di Tegal dan Brebes, persiapan kampanye.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Muhammad's Wall

Yuli Nava wrote at 8:49am
semoga ayahnya mas andreas cepat sembuh.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Yuli's Wall

Merlin Herlina wrote at 7:15am
Semoga Papanya Mas Andreas lekas sembuh.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Merlin's Wall

Jennie S. Bev wrote at 6:54am
Wish your father a quick recovery.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Jennie's Wall

Retno Pudjiastuti wrote at 6:50am
aku ikut berdoa semoga ayah mas Andreas diberi kesembuhan dan sehat kembali. be strong ya, mas..
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Retno's Wall

Jim Morrill wrote at 6:39am
Good luck to your father Andreas.... I hope everything is OK.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Jim's Wall

Eko Gunarto wrote at 9:36pm
Kbr baik thanks, iya lama tak bersua. Btw papa mending dicek lagi komprehensif spy tdk anfaal lagi. Di jkt banyak dokter syaraf bagus. Dokter Eka di karawaci dll. Senang ud denger kbr papa ud membaik. GBU
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Eko's Wall

Mojgan Jalali wrote at 9:01pm
Hi Andreas,
It is great to hear from you. Wow, Norman in grade seven? Unbelievable. Andy is in 8th grade and Sahara in 2nd. Doesn't time just fly?
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Mojgan's Wall

Oktafiandi Wibisono wrote at 7:21pm
Semoga papamu cepat sembuh.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Oktafiandi's Wall

Eko Gunarto wrote at 6:54pm
Andreas semoga papa cepat sembuh,ada rencana dibawa berobat ke jkt?
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Eko's Wall

Kwan Men-Yon wrote at 6:16pm
Turut mendoakan semoga ayah Pak Andreas cepat sehat kembali.
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Kwan's Wall

Coen Husain Pontoh wrote at 6:44pm
bung, ada apa sama papanya? As shabri minallah, semoga bisa menguatkan
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Coen's Wall

Coen Husain Pontoh wrote at 7:15am
Kalau sudah begitu, peran orang yang akan nunggui/temanin bapak akan sangat penting "keras-cum sabar." Dulu, ketika alm. ibu saya kena darah tinggi, yang bisa ngingetin hanya bapak saya. Kita semua gak berdaya kalo mami udah sebulan nggak makan garam trus kepingin banget..
Wall-to-Wall - Write on Coen's Wall

Monday, February 23: Andreas is now chasing his deadlines, one today, another on Wednesday. 6:15pm


bisnisway said...

be strong mas. aku pernah ngalamin yang mas andreas alamin, hanya yang kena mamaku... Insyaallah kalo kita terus berdoa berusaha pasti dikasih kesembuhan... salam merdeka!

Unknown said...

coba diberi minum air oxygen produksi solo ada peluang besar sembuh krn tubuh kan 70%air

Bung Imam said...

Semoga cepet sembuh ya Mas. Aku inget Mbahku dulu waktu sakit beginian. Musti sabar, Mas..

Anugerah Ikhlas Riansyah Paputungan said...

Yang sabar pak...setiap manusia pasti punya cobaan. Mudah - mudahan diberikan mukjizat kesembuhan dari Yang di atas.

Yauma Yulida H. said...

Moga ayahnya Bang Andreas segera sehat, hanya memang perlu istirahat, teman ibuku udah kena sakit parah berkali-kali masih maksa maen tenis 5 hari seminggu, padahal kalau udah sakit nggak bisa bergerak.
Tapi mudah-mudahan ayah Bang Andreas bisa semangat, dan terapi tu penting bang, banyak yang bisa sembuh total.

Unknown said...

"Three of my daughters are living in Jember." maksudnya mungkin "Three of HIS daughters are living in Jember."

salam, Gunadi

andreasharsono said...


Terima kasih untuk koreksinya. Hari ini sudah saya perbaiki dari "... my daughters" menjadi "... his daughters." Hari ini, berkat akunpuntur, kondisi papa saya sudah hampir pulih seperti dulu. Cuma suaranya agak pelo. Kaki dan tangan bisa bergerak biasa.

Qudanil said...

Semoga Papa mas Andreas sembuh ya,,Oiya mas bisa tukar link tidak ya,,link mas sudah saya pasang di Terima kasih..:)
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